The Italian Center for Single Session Therapy is the first Italian center for the study of Single Session Therapy. Founded by Dr Flavio Cannistrà, trained directly with Michael F. Hoyt, in California, and at the Bouverie Center in Australia, the Center conducts research on SST and is in contact with authors from around the world, with the aim of both train Italian professionals, and to provide TSS services to people.


The activities of the Center are oriented towards the achievement of 3 main objectives:

  1. To increase the knowledge about SST: we study the research about SST and we are in contact with authors from all over the world, both deepening international work and contributing with our research, which also have the aim of adapting the findings to the Italian context.
  2. Train professionals on SST: we help professionals to know SST, practice it in their own business and stay up-to-date on the latest developments, both through our classroom courses and through digital media; we also provide courses for public and private facilities that want to integrate the SST into their services.
  3. Providing TSS services: naturally we provide the SST to the citizens, both at the Italian Center and, in general, thanks to the practical activity of those who have trained with us. Many professionals remain in touch and together we mutually increase knowledge and skills on the TSS.

Begin your training

This site is designed above all to provide knowledge and updates on the SST and to disseminate the training initiatives of the Italian Center to the not-italian professionals.

In the Blog section the main collaborators of the Italian Center publish articles that deepen the international works and present the studies of the Center.

In the EBook section you can download a practical introduction to the SST written by Dr Flavio Cannistrà, to get an immediate overview of the principles and practices of the SST. There is also a book, Single session therapy. Principles and pratices (Cannistrà & Piccirilli) edited by Giunti, actually only in italian.

The training, addressed to mental health professionals and health care services, is held by therapists accredited by the Italian Center, directly trained by Flavio Cannistrà and Federico Piccirilli, with the aim to give updated trainings on SST.