4TH International Symposium
10-11-12 November 2023, Rome, Italy
Single-Session Therapies (SST) are methods practiced and known worldwide by an increasing number of mental health professionals
It is not a single approach, but a set of practices and mindsets all aimed at the same goal: to make every single encounter with our clients responsive, efficient and effective, and capable of maximizing the outcome maximising the possibility that only one session is needed, whilst providing options for further sessions if desired by the client.

For the first time in Italy and Europe, the most important international experts in Single Session Therapy will gather!
Three days dedicated to understanding Single Session Therapy from all perspectives: theoretical, in practice and the latest research!
If you attend in-person, you will have the opportunity to interact directly with the speakers, socialise and network with colleagues from around the world!
In a post-covid world where demand for mental health services is outstripping capacity, where people expect immediate service response and where recruitment is difficult, SST becomes a critical resource for all health services, and for all professionals.
With more than 35 years of systematic study behind it, SST is now a factual reality, based on solid data and proven practices. Books, articles and courses around the world show its possible applications, and this 4th International Symposium-the first in Italy and Europe-embodies the latest theory, practices and research of Single Session Therapies.
Pam Rycroft
Moshe Talmon
Jessica L. Schleider
Martin Söderquist
Michael F. Hoyt
Windy Dryden
Jeff Young
Arnie Slive
Katy Stephenson
Giada Pietrabissa
Robert Rosenbaum
Monte Bobele
Federico Piccirilli
Flavio Cannistrà
Giorgio Nardone
Helen van Empel
Hotel Villa Maria Regina
Via della Camilluccia, 678 – ROME
Tel: +39 055 222287 Fax: +39 055 223912
- + Agenda
- + Speakers
- + Location
Hotel Villa Maria Regina
Via della Camilluccia, 678 – ROME
Tel: +39 055 222287 Fax: +39 055 223912
Attend the first European symposium totally dedicated to Single Sesstion Therapy, an intervention method with more than 30 years of research behind it, that is spreading rapidly because of its ability to respond to contemporary challenges.
All the leading international names will participate, bringing new and original contributions, sharing experiences and applications, and teaching the principles and foundations underlying their Single Session Therapy methods.
You will learn about the results that Single Session Therapy has achieved, based on solid, widespread data in several areas of psychotherapy and reported directly by those who conduct and publish studies and research in authoritative journals and papers.
You will learn about the range of areas in which Single Session Therapy has been successfully applied, understanding how you can implement this method in numerous areas: private and public psychotherapy, professional supervision, families and groups, etc.
An entire day will be dedicated to learning about Single Session Therapy practices and techniques, which will allow you to understand different ways in which to maximize each (and often only) session of psychotherapy and psychological counseling.
You will attend case presentations and practices of Single Session Therapy in different settings: individual, couple, family, with children and adolescents, and with different presenting problems, such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, etc.
Sign Up Now
10-11-12 November 2023, Rome, Italy
You can sign up and make the payment right away
Just click on the button below (sign up to Symposium) and you will be directed to the appropriate page
Limited places!
The symposium does not offer continuing education credits
Full Price
350€ tax excluded (from the 10/10/2023)
Post-Symposium Workshop
Single-Session Therapy
Introduction for Clinicians to Single-Session Thinking and Practices with M. F. Hoyt
November 13, 2023, 10 am.-5 pm
ICNOS Institute, Via Nomentana 60, Rome