Federico Piccirilli

My interest for psychology roots back to many years ago.

I graduated in 1999 – my first professional experiences with people with disabilities led me to consider the person as central, to reason on her risources and to avoid labelling people around me. I prefer calling people by their name, regardless of their diagnosis.

My reflexions, both personal and professional, met Brief Therapy, in which I grew more and more interested until my specialization in Brief Strategic Therapies.

My interest in Brief Therapy led me to Single Session Therapy. Through the study and the international research activity, and through a method which implies a mindset and an approch in which I firmly believe, I founded, together with Flavio CannistrĂ , the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy , the first Italian center dealing with research, training and publishing related to Single Session Therapy.

The Istituto ICNOS, Specialization School in Brief Systemic and Strategic Psichotherapy, recognized by the MIUR since 2017, represents the natural evolution of my personal and professional growth.