Single Session Therapies:
What, Why and How single session mindset and practices are

Calls for Abstracts closed. We have reached the maximum limit of available presentations. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, you can submit your abstract by following the guidelines below.
Please note: there are currently no more spots available, so you will be contacted only if a spot becomes available for your presentation.

Call for abstract

Space will be given to outside presenters during the Symposium.

The following guidelines must be followed to make your proposal.

– The presentation can only be done in person, physically attending the Symposium location: requests for remote presentations (via Zoom) will not be accepted.

– Send an email to containing the abstract of maximum 3000 characters including spaces, in DOC or PDF format, in English.

– The abstract should contain the title of the paper and summarize the topic discussed and the final conclusions. It should also contain the main bibliographic sources (excluded from the 3000-character limit).

– The abstract should not contain the name of the presenter. Instead, the name should be given in the email.

– The abstract must be received by June 15, 2023.

Not following these guidelines will automatically preclude receipt of the abstract. Once received, the Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstract.

You will be contacted within a few weeks by our Secretariat with the result of the evaluation of your abstract. If you receive the email accepting your abstract, remember that:

– you will need to register for the Symposium within a week. Participation as an external speaker allows you to pay the Super Early Bird fee;

– the date and time of your paper will be communicated to you at a later date;

– on the day of the presentation you will have 20′ +5′ for any questions from the audience;

– if you will be showing slides you will need to bring your computer and a usb stick containing them;

– papers will not be translated: you must specify beforehand in which language you will present your work.