Single session therapy and Covid-19: the use of SST as a rapid response in emergency contexts

With today ‘s article we see how Single Session Therapy can be used in emergency contexts , focusing in particular on the global health emergency caused by the Coronavirus epidemic .

The attention to the topic arises from a proposal put forward by the scholar Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang , an assistant professor at the Department of Guidance and Counseling at Atma Jaya University in Indonesia, who suggested the introduction of TSS as “Rapid Counseling”. in the process of psychological care for people who have had COVID-19 and their family members (Situmorang, 2021).

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How to promote hope in single-session therapy. Part Two – Clinical Cases

With today’s article , we return to the theme of the hope factor in Single Session Therapy addressed in the previous article, but from a practical point of view .

The aim of the article is to visualize, through the description of two clinical cases taken from the literature (Courtnage, 2020), the way in which the hope factor acts during the interview .

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From the world of research an interesting study on the effects of a single one-day online therapy session to help cure postpartum depression

With today’s article we draw from the world of research to visualize another area of ​​intervention in which Single Session Therapy can be effective and extremely valid, especially if used in times of emergency.

We are talking about a study that involved a group of mothers with postpartum depression (PPD) who between April and October last year, at the height of the pandemic, participated in a one-day online seminar based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) , combined with standard treatment to treat this problem (Van Lieshout, Haley Layton, Savoy  et al. , 2021).

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How to promote hope in Single Session Therapy

Today ‘s article focuses in particular on one of the therapeutic (or change) factors that acts in a particular way within Single Session Therapy (SST), namely hope .

As we know, SST is a widely used method in mental health services as it represents a clinically effective solution for reducing long waiting times and overcoming difficulties in accessing psychotherapy.

The aim of the article is therefore to provide useful information on how to promote this factor during Single Session Therapy sessions .

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Single Session Therapy: “one at a time” or both?

With today ‘s article we talk about two ways of naming Single Session Therapy, namely “Single Session Therapy” or “One at a Time” Therapy (in English Single-Session One-At-A-Time ) in order to understand better understand the meaning and reasons for the different usage .  

Some scholars such as Windy Dryden, for example, prefer to use both terms in a combined manner with the aim of dispelling some myths created around SST by those approaching the method for the first time.

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SST and Research: Can a Single Group CBT Session Be Effective for Treating Insomnia?

With today ‘s article we report the data of a research carried out in 2013 at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Fontana , California aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of Group Single Session Therapy associated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the treatment of chronic insomnia ( TCC-I ).


What was the objective of the research?

Dennis Hwang , Medical Director of the Department of Sleep Medicine at Kaiser Permanent says the goal of the study was not to prove whether Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was an effective treatment for insomnia, but to find out whether a different way to use it could make it effective not only for a single individual, but for a larger population .


From what need did this research arise?

Again according to Hwang, the need to find innovative solutions is linked to the fact that chronic insomnia is a very common condition that affects up to 30% of the population . Traditional programs run individually or in small groups have always required multiple visits, limiting the volume of patients who can access them. The program for the treatment of insomnia at Kaiser Permanente Fontana , however, represented a real innovation as it was carried out with a larger group of people ( 20 participants ) who participated in just one session , followed by follow-up telephone.


 How did the experimentation take place?

The center offered two weekly sessions , each lasting 2.5 hours with a maximum of 20 people experiencing chronic insomnia.

The program, taught by a physician assistant , addressed sleep hygiene, sleep beliefs, relaxation techniques, sleep restriction therapy, and optimal sleep position.


What results were obtained?

 The following data emerged from research findings presented at the SLEEP 2013: Associated Professional Sleep Societies 27th Annual Meeting conference:

321 (88%) of 363 adults with insomnia who completed the TCC-I program reported improvement in their insomnia based on subjective feedback .

Overall sleep time improved by an average of 1.5 hours , and time to fall asleep

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SST and Mental Health: The New Brunswick Experience and Mental Health Services Empowerment Plans

With today’s article we once again open our gaze to the world to learn about the different systems for providing mental health services .

The global crisis due to the health emergency we are experiencing has highlighted important gaps compared to the health service delivery models implemented so far. This situation has put us in a position to begin to reflect and imagine effective solutions for the future capable of healing or strengthening some health sectors, in particular that of mental health which today appears to be particularly difficult.

So what is the objective we aim to achieve with today’s article?

Starting from this premise and from sharing what recently happened in the New Brunswick region in Canada, where a young girl committed suicide due to a failure to respond to her request for help in an emergency room at Fredericton’s Chalmers Hospital, Let’s look at the plan to strengthen mental health services proposed by the New Brunswick Ministry of Health led by Dorothy Shephard. 

 What were the proposals?

In March 2021 Dorothy Shephard ordered a review of the mental health system, announcing 21 recommendations from the Department of Health and regional health authorities. For 2021-2025 the recommendations have been grouped into four main areas: education , emergency departments , community addiction and mental health services.

 Let’s see them in detail!

  1. Training area. Provide training to emergency room personnel , police and other first responders on trauma care . These modules are designed to support staff in a busy emergency department environment.
  2. Launch a provincial awareness campaign for services aimed at addictions and mental health crises.
  3. Develop and distribute crisis care educational materials to community service providers.
  4. Re-establish and streamline the use of the emergency number as a 24-hour response line for addiction and mental health issues.
  5. Complete the proposed Suicide Crisis Response, Intervention and Prevention Plan.

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