Guest Speaker at the Symposium: Flavio Cannistrà

Guest Speaker at the Symposium: Flavio Cannistrà

In today’s article we present Flavio Cannistrà an expert on Brief Therapies and founder together with Federico Piccirilli of the first center for research and training on Single Session Therapy (Italian Center for Single Session Therapy) in Italy, as well as director of the 4th Symposium on SST to be held this year on November 10, 11 and 12 in Rome, Italy.

Who is he and what has Flavio Cannistrà accomplished?

Flavio Cannistrà, is co-founder and co-director of the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy and the ICNOS Institute, a school of specialization in systemic-strategic brief psychotherapy. He has published articles on Brief Therapy in international journals and has been a conference speaker in Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan.

His publications include “Single-Session Therapy. Principles and Practices” (2018, Giunti, translated into English and Japanese) and “Solution-Centered Brief Therapy. Principles and Practices” (EPC).


What will be his contribution to the 2023 Symposium to be held in Rome?


The title of his talk that will take place on the morning of November 10 is “The Here and Now of Single-Session Therapy: questions that need answers.”

On this occasion Flavio Cannistrà will answer questions that both practitioner and public and private health systems can no longer avoid asking, such as: what are new ways of doing psychotherapy with SST? Does the medical model still make sense? Does the psychotherapy patient need to “get well”? What about diagnoses? Is a person diagnosed as “borderline” not suitable for SST? What will be the role of the practitioner in private practice now that, inevitably, SST is becoming increasingly dominant?

Angelica Giannetti
Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Team of the Italian Center
for Single Session Therapy

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Rosita Del Medico

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