guest speaker at the symposium: Moshe Talmon

guest speaker at the symposium: Moshe Talmon

In today’s article we present to you the last of the three pioneers of Single Session Therapy who will participate in the IV Symposium on SST which this year will be held on 10, 11 and 12 November in Italy , in Rome , Moshe Talmon . 

Moshe Talmon, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania ’82) initiated a series of studies at Kaiser Permanente Medical Group on patients who failed to show up for their second appointment after their first therapy session. Later, together with Michael Hoyt and Robert Rosenbaum , he began a study of 60 attempts at scheduled single-session therapy with patients who had required lengthy therapy.


 Who is Moshe Talmon and what did he accomplish?

Talmon is the founder and director of the International Center for SST (Single Session Therapy). Provides training and supervision worldwide.233

He is the author of the bestseller translated into multiple languages ​​“Single Session Therapy: maximizing the effect of the first (and often only) therapeutic meeting” ; as well as the book on follow-ups for patients who avoid therapy, “Single Session Solutions: A Guide to Practical, Effective , and Affordable Therapy”); and (in Hebrew “Every Soul is Worth It: The Short Way to Effective Psychotherapy” .


What will be your contribution to the 2023 Symposium to be held in Rome?

His speech, which will take place on the morning of November 10th , will be entitled “SST as a creative modality” .

In some of his works Talmon spoke about how every good and effective psychotherapist can draw his knowledge from three important sources : academic/scientific knowledge , mastery in mastering the therapeutic tools learned and practiced over the years, finally (but not for this less important) the creative element , often necessary when we meet the client for the first (and often only) session .


Angelica Giannetti
Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Team of the Italian Center
for Single Session Therapy


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Rosita Del Medico

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