Single session therapy for couples: the Swedish experience

Is Single Session Therapy Effective with Couples?

With this question, we got in touch with Martin Söderquist, a Swedish psychologist who has been a member and director of the Couple Counseling Team in Malmö, Sweden for years, which offers Single Session Therapy services for couples.

In particular, their declination is very interesting, and has been called One Session at a Time, “One session at a time”.

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Single session therapy: 6 principles to keep in mind

In recent years, much of the information, research and innovations regarding Single Session Therapy have come directly from the application field of walk-in centers.

It is no coincidence that today’s article focuses on the 6 fundamental principles of clinical practice adopted within the Community Counseling Center in San Antonio (Texas), masterfully summarized by Slive and Bobele (2011). The authors managed to condense a wide range of levels and concepts: both of theoretical / epistemological and technical / operational origin.

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Intervista a Michael Hoyt / Interview with Michael Hoyt



Today we are going to meet Michael Hoyt, one of the founding fathers of Single Session Therapy, together with Moshe Talmon and Robert Rosenbaum.

In this interview, conducted by Vanessa Pergher, Michael Hoyt tells us in depth his point of view on Single Session Therapy, outlining some of its main principles.

Moreover, in a very optimistic way, he lists some future perspectives of this kind of therapy.

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Single session therapy for families: the Bouverie Center

Terapia Seduta Singola per famiglie

Can Single Session Therapy be used with families?
Yes, and that’s what Bouverie Center has been doing for twenty-five years.

When I went to Melbourne, Australia ten months ago, I did it to learn about TSS from what, in my opinion, is the Center that has been able to integrate it best, both in terms of structure and technical and application development.

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The single session for pathological gambling

ludopatia terapia seduta singola

Can a single session be enough to significantly improve the problems of pathological gambling? And can it be just as effective as longer treatments?

Asked Tony Toneatto, of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto (Canada), who conducted research approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, and which was then published in 2016 in Addictive behaviors, with the title Single session interventions for problem gambling may be as effective as longer treatments: Results of a randomized control trial.

Here is a summary of the study and its results.

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